Do Dogs Like Going to Doggy Daycare?

a full body shot of a dog with grass in the background with the dogs face in focus

Making the decision to put your dog in doggy daycare for a little bit can be anxiety-inducing for both you and your furry companion, but it doesn’t have to be. Pet owners often wonder if dogs actually like going to pet hotels or boarding facilities while their owner is away, and, believe it or not, dogs usually love it! They might be a bit sad to be away from their owner for a bit, but they tend to have a lot of fun and are well taken care of at doggy daycare, especially if they’re staying at Canine Country Club & Feline Inn.

How To Tell if Dogs Enjoy Their Time at Doggy Daycare

Dogs may not be able to speak, but they’re pretty good at communicating how they feel. Their body language can tell you a lot about how they feel, and most pet owners have grown used to how their fur babies show how they’re feeling. You’ll know if your dog likes going to doggy daycare in the way it acts before, during, or after its stay.

When dogs like going to doggy daycare, they’ll usually appear enthusiastic to play with their new friends. They may wag their tail, bark excitedly, or even run off from their owner to be around other dogs or their favorite caretakers at the boarding facility. Each dog is different from one another though, so they’ll all show their happiness or excitement in different ways. If your dog doesn’t wag its tail or run up to its new friends on arrival, it doesn’t mean your dog hates going to doggy daycare.

Dogs that like going to doggy daycare may also:

      • Show comfort or excitement when leaving home to attend daycare
      • Interact with other dogs in a positive way
      • Show no nervousness or fear when entering the daycare
      • Seem exhausted but remain in a good mood when returning home

Not all dogs love the experience, though, so it’s important to pay close attention to what they’re doing. If your dog seems nervous, scared, or aggressive, then it may not like being around other animals, or it may have severe separation anxiety. Don’t fret, though; your dog may grow to love doggy daycare once it gets used to it. You may need to slowly introduce your dog to the experience, especially if you have a trip or plan or need to start leaving it at daycare on a regular basis. Stay in contact with the caretakers at your local boarding facility and keep them updated on your dog’s situation.

The Benefits of Doggy Daycare for Dogs

If your dog attends doggy daycare often, you may begin to notice positive changes in its behavior. This can range from better exercise habits to reduced separation anxiety, or you may even end up with a more obedient fur baby. Dog daycare provides your animal companion with a place to have fun, exercise, meet new friends, and learn good behaviors from other dogs and the people taking care of them.

More benefits of doggy daycare:

      • Mental stimulation
      • Stable routine
      • Regular social interaction
      • Playtime
      • A safe place to go away from home

Bring your Furry Friend for a Fun Day at Canine Country Club & Feline Inn

Are you ready to give your dog an experience it’ll never forget at your local doggy daycare? Then contact us at Canine Country Club & Feline Inn. We’ll be sure to take great care of your furry companion and give it everything it needs to have fun and make new friends. We offer several scheduling options, so whether you need to drop off your dog for a few hours or have it stay overnight, you can do so without any worry. We hope to see you soon!


Featured Image: Tara Lynn and Co / Shutterstock

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